Eishin Ryu Iaido Singapore

Eishin Ryu Iaido Singapore
Eishin Ryu Iaido Singapore

About Us

Musō Jikiden Eishin-ryū (無双直伝英信流 or 無雙直傳英信流), is a koryū sword art, and one of the most widely practiced schools of iaijutsu in the world. Today, it is practiced by two or three thousand people in Japan, and has exponents around the world. Iaido is an authentic martial art that proved its martial values in a time of constant battle and warfare, that was preserved and passed on directly from teacher to student over generations in an unbroken lineage for 450 years. Currently, we have training instructor and given permission to train in Singapore.

Our Singapore club here is linked to Seito Seiryu Musō Jikiden Eishin-ryū Iaido Kokusai Renmei (IKR), also known as Kokusa Renmei (Iaido International Federation). Esaka Sensei is the president of IKR and the head of the organization.

We have two instructors to train and guide us in the arts of MJER. They are Peter Chua Sensei, and Kheng-Li Senpai.

We are affiliated to The Vancouver Eishin-Ryu Iaido Club where our instructor (Peter Chua Sensei) has been trained from.

And we are also connected to Andrej-Sensei (our Senpai Kheng-Li's Sensei) who has visited us and taught us on the finer points of MJER techniques.

For more information or queries, do contact us via email: mjersg@hotmail.com

See more of us @ http://www.facebook.com/pages/Eishin-Ryu-Iaido-Singapore/162566403760107